Pomeranians for dummies
- 點閱:5
- 作者: by D. Caroline Coile
- 出版社:Wiley Publishing, Inc.
- 出版年:2007
- 集叢名:--For dummies
- ISBN:9780470106020; 9780470174258
- 格式:PDF,JPG
- 系列書: For dummies,本系列共19本
Pomeranians For Dummies will provide owners with the essential information they need to raise a healthy, happy pet, including information on: choosing a healthy puppy or adult dog, feeding, grooming, housing and supplies, health care, to breed or not to breed, basic training, and having fun with your dog.
- Table of Contents(第vii頁)
- Introduction(第1頁)
- Part I: Pomeranians: What’s Not to Love?(第7頁)
- Part II: When Your House Becomes Your Pom’s Home(第63頁)
- Part III: Caring for Your Pom from Head to Paw(第113頁)
- Part IV: Training Your Pom with TLC(第201頁)
- Part V: The Part of Tens(第253頁)
- Index(第265頁)
紙本書 NT$ 544