- 並列題名:Good housekeeper
- 作者: 宇宙創意工作小組編企 , 吳佩純翻譯
- 出版社:博學館圖書
- 出版年:2003
- 集叢名:生活點子王
- ISBN:9789577662279
- 格式:PDF,JPG
- 附註:中英對照
- 輕鬆打掃篇 Easy Cleaning(第6頁)
- 將討厭的毛髮一網打盡 Furs and Hair Out !(第7頁)
- 食物污漬擦拭法 Wipe Out the Stain(第7頁)
- 消除地毯上的傢俱痕 Eliminate the Marks Made from Furniture on Carpet(第8頁)
- 去除口香糖的訣竅 The Secret of Getting Gums Off(第8頁)
- 把貼紙輕鬆撕乾淨 Taking Stickers Off Easily(第9頁)
- 去除牆上的污垢 Clean the Massy Wall(第9頁)
- 去除牆上膠痕的方法 Clean Out the Mark by Scotch Tape(第10頁)
- 荼渣的大妙用 The Magic of Tealeaf(第10頁)
- 定期清除你的冷氣機濾網 Clean Your AC Filter Regularly(第11頁)
- 消除垃圾桶的異味 Get Rid of the Smelly Garbage Bag(第11頁)
- 水槽亮晶晶 Shinny Sink(第12頁)
- 鹽巴可以去除茶垢 Salt helps wipe away stain form tea(第12頁)
- 用醋簡單去除香煙的汙垢 An Easy Way to Get Rid of Stain from Cigarette by Using Vinegar(第12頁)
- 天然果油清潔又滋潤 Using Natural Fruit Oil to Clean and Moisture at Same Time(第13頁)
- 微波爐沒異味 Microwave Without Strange Smell(第13頁)
- 創意收納篇 Creative Storage(第14頁)
- 洗衣機與冰箱側面大利用 Using the Sides of the Washing Machine and Refrigerator(第15頁)
- 衣櫥內側的掛勾 lnside the Clothe Set(第15頁)
- ㄈ型籃讓你的抽屜增加好幾個"ㄈ" shaped Basket Allows You Have More Drawers(第16頁)
- 你的鞋櫃夠用嗎? Is Your Shoe Locker Enough?(第16頁)
- 空底片盒是收納小東西的好方法 Empty Film Box is Good Ides for Store Smaller Things(第17頁)
- 小相簿的大利用 Using Photo Album(第17頁)
- 錄影帶空盒是收納紙張的好工具 Video Tape Box is a Handy Tool for Storage(第18頁)
- 大面紙盒收納小面紙 Tissue Box Makes a Sweet home for smaller Tissues(第18頁)
- 利用衣架來收納拖鞋 Using Hanger to Store Slippers(第19頁)
- 使用回鍋油不沾手 Using Second Hand Oil Without Getting Greasy(第19頁)
- 不用洗的水槽垃圾盒 Sink Basket That Doesn Need to be Washed(第20頁)
- 自製飲料盒收放架 Soft Drink Boxes Make Good Storage(第20頁)
- 粉類收納大公開 To Store Powder(第21頁)
- 生鮮調味品的保存妙方 To Store Fresh Seasoning(第21頁)
- 強力清潔篇 Strong Cleaning(第22頁)
- 人人沒輒的百葉窗 Venetian blinds are killers!(第23頁)
- 保持窗簾的色彩鮮艷 How Do You Keep the Curtain Colorful?(第23頁)
- 乾淨光亮的玻璃 Shinny Windows(第24頁)
- 容易藏污納垢的窗台 Dust Like to Hide in the Window Frame(第24頁)
- 強力紗窗清潔法 Strong Way to Clean Window Screen(第25頁)
- 海綿紗窗清潔法 Clean the window screen with sponges(第25頁)
- 對付磁磚縫隙的霉菌 How to Deal with Germs between Tiles(第26頁)
- 預防浴室鏡子霧氣彌漫 Prevent the bathroom mirror from steam(第26頁)
- 浴缸省力清潔法 An Easy Way to Clean Bathtub(第27頁)
- 清除衣領頑垢 Clean the Stain on Collar(第27頁)
- 讓黑衣服不褪色的好方法 Black Clothes Won't Fade Away(第28頁)
- 輕鬆去除小孩子衣服上的沙拉醬、蕃茄醬 Easily Getting Rid of Salad Dressing and Catchup on Children's Clothes(第28頁)
- 衣服沾到紅酒的有效去除法 Clean the stain from Red Wine(第29頁)
- 清理衣服上的汗漬有妙方 An Easy Way to Clean the Stain from Sweat(第29頁)
- 衣服沾到血跡的有效去除法 An Easy Way to Get Rid of Blood-stain(第29頁)
- 衣服滴到蠟油怎麼辦 What to Do When Wax Dropped on Clothes(第30頁)
- 不要的容器大改造 Adapting used food containers for alternative use(第30頁)
- 輕鬆去除銅垢 An Easy Way to Remove Copper Stain(第31頁)
- 用檸檬清理雕花玻璃 Using Lemon to Clean Glass with a Pattern on(第31頁)
- 聰明點子篇 Smart Ideas(第32頁)
- 順手清理曬衣桿 Clean the Stick(第33頁)
- 晾曬褲襪不亂飄 Pantyhose in Place(第33頁)
- 曬衣小叮嚀 Tips on Drying Clothes(第34頁)
- 燙出整齊的褲摺不費力 Tip on lron the Pants(第34頁)
- 將手帕燙出漂亮的正方型 Making a Perfect Square for Handkerchief(第35頁)
- 快速穿線的小訣竅 Tips on Stitching(第35頁)
- 讓電話筒沒有異味 Making telephone without strange smell(第36頁)
- 你的檯燈不夠亮嗎 Doesn't your Lamp Bright Enough?(第36頁)
- 讓細長花瓶不容易摔破 To Secure the Tall Vase from Breaking(第37頁)
- 去除花瓶的污漬 Clean the Stain on Vase(第37頁)
- 讓室內盆栽看起來光亮蓬勃 How To Make the Indoor Bonsai Looks Lively(第38頁)
- 延長鮮花壽命的好方法 Way to Help the Flowers Live Longer(第38頁)
- 讓肥皂盒不再積水 Stop Store Up Water in the Soapbox(第39頁)
- 清除傘布上的汙垢 Clean The Dust Away From An Umbrella(第39頁)
- 原子筆寫不出來了怎麼辦 Get the ink of ballpoint pen running again(第40頁)
- 輕鬆打開瓶蓋 Easily open the jar lid(第40頁)
- 撕下膠帶不留痕 Have adhesive tape unstuck leaving wrapping paper intact(第41頁)
- 讓白色衣物不易變黃 Keep white clothes away from yellowing(第41頁)
- 環保利用篇 Recycling(第42頁)
- 塑膠袋圍兜 Plastic-bag-converted apron(第43頁)
- 超好用插針包 Useful needle stand(第44頁)
- 咖啡渣可以抑制煙味 Deodorizing smoke with leftover coffee(第44頁)
- 環保澆水壺 Recycling water can(第45頁)
- 保特瓶是好用的園藝鏟子 Plastic-bottle-made gardening spade(第45頁)
- 蛋盒的妙用多 Useful eggs box(第46頁)
- 鋁箔紙可以用來磨剪刀 Using aluminum foil to sharpen scissors(第46頁)
- 蛤仔殼是天然的肥料 Clam shells the natural fertilizer(第47頁)
- 蒜頭替盆栽驅蟲 Garlic can drive out pest(第47頁)
- 舊絲襪收集零碎的肥皂 Collecting scrap of soap in the retired panty-hose(第48頁)
- 零碎的肥皂變成小朋友的遊戲 Scrap of soap to make bubble game soap solution(第48頁)
- 乾淨的抹去皮鞋上的灰塵 Dusting shoes without dust flying(第49頁)
- 舊絲襪收藏通風的食物 keeping food in retired panty-hose(第49頁)
- 消暑的芒果冰沙 Mango ice for summer cooling(第50頁)
- 過熟的香蕉變奶昔 Over ripen banana become milkshake(第50頁)
- 好喝的薯條湯 Yummy French fries soup(第51頁)
- 過期的牛奶不要浪費 Don't throw away overdue milk(第52頁)
- 洗髮精當清潔劑 Using Shampoo as detergent(第52頁)
- 檸檬冰箱除臭劑 The lemon deodorant of refrigerator(第53頁)
- 冰箱的清潔與保養 Cleansing and main-tenance of refrigerator(第53頁)
- 舊衣大變身 Giving magical change to your used clothes(第54頁)
- 舊衣變成小飾品 Change used clothes into little ornament(第55頁)
- 清潔保養篇 Cleansing And Maintenance(第56頁)
- 門把的清潔與保養 Cleansing and maintenance of door handles(第57頁)
- 讓咖啡機滴漏的更順 Keep the coftee machine dripping more smoothly(第57頁)
- 音響與CD的保養與清潔 Cleansing and maintenance of CD and stereo set(第58頁)
- 去除鞋子的臭味 Deodorizing shoes(第58頁)
- 自己做鞋櫃內的除臭劑 DIY deodor-ant for shoes cupboard(第59頁)
- 讓銀飾重現光彩 Make the silverware shining again(第59頁)
- 皮鞋的保養 Maintenance of leather shoes(第60頁)
- 給孩子一個乾淨的填充娃娃 Keep your kids' stuffed dolls clean(第61頁)
- 抽屜更好開關 Well-oiled drawers(第61頁)
- 蠟筆的保養 Maintenance of crayons(第62頁)
- 蠟筆劃到傢俱怎麼辦 How to get rid of crayon drawing on the surface of furnitures(第62頁)
- 手沾到瞬間膠的清除法 How to get rid of instant glue out of hands(第63頁)
- 爽身粉可以讓塑膠傘不黏在一起 Use baby powder to keep vinyl umbrella from sticking together(第63頁)
- 蠟燭也可以當潤滑劑 Using candle as lubricant(第63頁)
紙本書 NT$ 350