  • What Does It All Mean?
  • 點閱:9
  • 作者: by William A. Adams
  • 出版社:Imprint Academic
  • 出版年:2013
  • ISBN:9781845406042
  • 格式:EPUB 流式
  • 字數:432393
租期14天 今日租書可閱讀至2025-02-01

As a young man Bill Adams travelled the world teaching US citizens abroad on behalf of a large state university on the East Coast. Back home he reflected that if there were answers to the great questions of life, then he’d not found them - not in India, in Europe, in China, or Japan. In time he came to see that his lifelong interest in how the mind works could be the clue to the meaning of life. Socrates had been right all along: Know thyself. Adams now sets out a new reasoned argument, based on his experience as a cognitive psychologist and as a human being, to show why Socrates was right: the purpose of life is to recognize ourselves - in each other and in all things. The mind is looking for itself: that is how it works, that is what it does for a living.

  • Cover
  • Table of Contents
  • Front matter
    • Title page
  • Body matter
    • 1: The Meaning of Life
  • Back matter
    • References
紙本書 NT$ 352
NT$ 246

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