  • The life and death of Tesla motors in Taiwan:electric vehicles in the mountainous island
  • 點閱:14
  • 作者: by Eugene Chang
  • 出版社:Eugene Chang
  • 出版年:2017
  • ISBN:9789574350988
  • 格式:PDF,JPG
租期14天 今日租書可閱讀至2024-09-25

Tesla returns back to Taiwan in 2016 brings Model S shipping in 2017 remarks a milestone for the island. We made an order in 2016 and have my Model S shipped in Spring, 2017.
We drain the oil out from deep earth expense 60% for transportation and 80% of the gas used for transportation are wasted as heat. Watch the heavy traffic and imagine it as burning fuel in open air as 50% of the petroleum we dig are burned in waste. Electric vehicle(EV) with the efficiency up to 80 % is by no means just the future but also the “must” we are dealing with transportation tomorrow.

Tesla with the unique auto pilot equipped vehicles points another issue as we forgot how to use abacus since we have computers but we still drive by ourselves manually everyday.
I would like to demonstrate in this book with my exploration and observation to Tesla Motors. For facilitate the use of EV and representing the applicability of the sophisticated technology, auto pilot, in the 70% area rooted mountains height up to 4000 meters in Taiwan.
I am not an English native writer. I hope my poor writing could clearly state my ideas and your comments and opinions are more than just welcome.

張渝江 Eugene Chang
Eugene Chang holds a degree of MBA from Chicago UI, MA of science from the ivy university in Taiwan NTU) and BA of law science and civil engineering. He is also an architect and finance advisor.

He is the author of 'The future of bitcoin and blockchain' which is the only and first bitcoin book written in traditional Chinese. He is also the author of various titles inclusive of drones, forensic engineering, and poems. He is an enthusiast, advocator in blockchain and EV which he considers the key to better civilization and future.

  • Preface(第4頁)
  • 1. Tesla and Taiwan(第6頁)
  • 2. electric vehicle, battery and fuel cell(第9頁)
  • 3. Tactics of Tesla and Elon Musk(第16頁)
    • 3.1 Naming of Teslas(第16頁)
    • 3.2 Tactics of Tesla(第16頁)
    • 3.3 Battery swap business model, Gogoro and Tesla(第19頁)
    • 3.4 Sports cars and Tesla, the odds(第21頁)
  • 4. The Applicability of EV(第26頁)
  • 5. Model S Parked(第32頁)
  • 6. Model S Running(第59頁)
    • 6.1 in Various Places(第59頁)
    • 6.2 Tesla up to highest point in highway of Taiwan, 3275m(第82頁)
    • 6.3 Tesla Cross Central Ridge of Taiwan(第92頁)
    • 6.4 Tesla round Taiwan island, 800 km, in one day(第105頁)
  • 7. Why and how to have Tesla, is it worth?(第151頁)
  • 8. The Crash - the Life and Death of Tesla in Taiwan(第155頁)
  • 9. Autopilot, Machine Learning, Privacy, and Dictatorship(第162頁)
    • 9.1 ACC, adaptive cruise control(第164頁)
    • 9.2 Autosteer and lane change(第167頁)
    • 9.3 Auto parking(第169頁)
    • 9.4 Summon(第171頁)
    • 9.5 Navigation(第174頁)
    • 9.6 Al, machine learning, AirBnB, privacy, and dictatorship(第175頁)
  • References(第176頁)
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