ACA:Architecture competition annual. XII, education & sport / culture / office & othters
- 作者: edited by Lee Hwa-jeong...[et al.]
- 出版社:Archiworld Co., Ltd
- 出版年:2019
- ISBN:9788957707746
- EISBN:9788957707722 set
- 格式:JPG
- 附註:Text in English and Korean.
These series introduce lots of awarded and high ranking works of Annual Architectural Competition. Every year, we present two volumes by theme and the entry works will be constructed in near future.
현상설계를 통하여 발표된 당선작, 우수작을 모아 매년 2권씩 테마별로 구분하여 만든 책이다. 당선작은 앞으로 지어질 건축물이다.
- Hoam Elementary School(第xi頁)
- Songsan 2 Elementary School(第18頁)
- Yongin Special School(第24頁)
- Yongin Special School(第30頁)
- Magok 2 Middle School(第36頁)
- Seoul Goi Elementary School and Kindergarten(第44頁)
- JEONJU Hyochun Elementary School(第50頁)
- Dongtan 2 New Town Sports Park(第56頁)
- Sejong Sports Center for the Differently Disabled(第62頁)
- IKSAN Western areas Multigym Facility(第68頁)
- Suncheon Child & Youth Multipurpose Pool(第74頁)
- Global Baduk Sport Complex(第80頁)
- Global Baduk Sport Complex(第86頁)
- Wando Sports Complex Center(第92頁)
- Wando Sports Complex Center(第98頁)
- Bukahyeon Culture-Sports Complex(第104頁)
- Main Stadium Remodeling In Jamsil Sports Complex(第110頁)
- Goseong-gun Youth Center(第118頁)
- Blazing Village National Safety Experience Center(第124頁)
- Jeju Safety Experience Center(第130頁)
- Jeju Safety Experience Center(第136頁)
- Sejong Special Self-governing CityEmployer-supported child care center(第142頁)
- Sejong Special Self-governing CityEmployer-supported child care center(第148頁)
- CULTURE(第154頁)
- Suncheonbay Job World(第156頁)
- Bucheon Culture Arts Center(第162頁)
- Bucheon Culture Arts Center(第170頁)
- Changdong·Sanggye Establishment & Cultural Industrial Complex(第176頁)
- Changdong·Sanggye Establishment & Cultural Industrial Complex(第184頁)
- Daejeon International Exhibition and Convention Center(第190頁)
- North East Seoul Arts Education Center for Youth Complex(第196頁)
- North East Seoul Arts Education Center for Youth Complex(第202頁)
- Sejong Culture Garden(第206頁)
- Nowon Culture Center(第212頁)
- Nowon Culture Center(第218頁)
- The Latest Real Content Production Cluster(第224頁)
- The Latest Real Content Production Cluster(第230頁)
- Yisabu Dokdo Memorial Park(第236頁)
- Yisabu Dokdo Memorial Park(第242頁)
- OFFICE & OTHERS(第246頁)
- KEPCO Sejong Complex Company Building(第248頁)
- S Ground Gangdong-Godeok Commercial Complex(第254頁)
- Mudeungsan National Park Office(第260頁)
- Punggi-eup Active Integration Center(第266頁)
- Majang-Cheonggye Idea(第272頁)
- Pyeongtaek Dangjin International Passenger Terminal(第278頁)
- Jeju Indoor Film Studio(第284頁)
- Jeju Indoor Film Studio(第290頁)
- Hwangnyeongsan Recreation Area Beneficial Facility(第296頁)
- Hwangnyeongsan Recreation Area Beneficial Facility(第300頁)
紙本書 NT$ 2496