  • William's Troublesome Tongue
  • 點閱:30
  • 作者: Maureen Hinton[原作]
  • 出版社:Strategic Book Group
  • 出版年:2011
  • ISBN:9781612048628
  • 格式:EPUB 流式,PDF,JPG
  • 頁數:38
  • 字數:11192

William is a young frog who lives on Blue Lily Pond, and he has a big problem. William has trouble catching bugs. William yearns to be as good at bug catching as all of the other frogs, so he goes off by himself to practice the art. During one of his practice sessions, William meets Rita, an unusually colored and very lonely dragonfly. William and Rita become fast friends who help each other survive and grow on Blue Lily Pond. Rita helps William learn to control his tongue, and William saves Rita from a threatening spider. In the end, William saves Rita’s life using the very tongue he earlier had trouble using. William’s Troublesome Tongue is a charming story of the power of friendship and the influence of compassion and generosity.

Author Maureen Hinton has enjoyed telling stories verbally to family and friends for many years. She was inspired to write them down by the faith her audiences had in her ability. Hinton grew up in Colorado Springs, CO, and now lives in Ruston, LA. She is a stay-at-home mom who is dedicated to taking care of her family. Her message to her young readers is to keep trying. Even if you feel things are hopeless, eventually you will succeed.

  • Cover Page
  • Title Page
  • Copyright
  • Dedication
  • William’s Troublesome Tongue
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NT$ 210

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