Adapt and Transform ~ The Art of Self-Healing
- 作者: Jessie Li Hung Lee著
- 出版社:白象文化
- 出版年:2022
- ISBN:9786267056547
- EISBN:9786267105009 EPUB
- 格式:EPUB 版式
- 頁數:297
Based on true stories about TCM/ Oriental Medicine and spirituality. You will be astonished at how much TCM can achieve.
The book originated from the author’s intention to introduce the principle of acupuncture to her children. In describing the true stories of clinical experiences of healing the body and mind by practicing TCM, it becomes clear to the author that we all possess innate healing power within. How to retain holistic health is a personal responsibility.
You will learn to adapt and transform while observing the natural cycle of life - Birth, aging, sickness, and death so that you may live in elegance even through darkness and suffering.
This book also contains true stories about clinical cases of TCM healing methods such as acupuncture, moxibustion, scraping, cupping, and many of self-healing using energy and spiritual healing techniques.
- 書封
- Preface
- 目錄
- Prologue
- Childhood Journey
- A Kid's Question
- Needles
- Touch For Healing
- Walking Light Bulb
- Diving Board & Diarrhea
- A Knee & a Sack of Lemons
- Exotic Healing Journey
- Malaria
- Postpartum Depression
- Ant & the Milky Way
- Lying On a Cloud
- Acupuncture Practitioner Journey
- Again, Headache
- Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining
- The Younger, the Active. The Older, the Wiser
- Antennas On the Head
- Hey, Is That Abuse?
- Pepperoni Marks, Cupping, Healing
- I Will Fix You
- Neck
- It's Moxa, Not Marijuana
- Magic Holographic Therapy
- Infant Care
- Acupuncture Practitioner Journey
- Why Warm
- Exercise Healing - Life Energy Flow
- Sleep Healing & Twelve Circadian Cycle
- 16/8 Intermitten Fasting
- Diet & Body Types
- Energy Healing Journey
- Seeing Things From the Top Down
- Wind Invasion
- Same Virus but Variable Symptoms
- Four Seasons & Twenty-Four Seasons
- Cosmic Medicine, Sixty Animals
- Into Energy Medicine
- Natural Healing Journey
- Spirit Medicine
- Crystal Healing
- Light Therapy
- Clearing & Resetting
- The Next Step
- Oneness & Wholeness
- Everything Can Be a Healing Remedy
- 版權頁
紙本書 NT$ 750