Spacious hearts and pure thoughts:pursuing a life of beauty and goodness
- 譯自:心寬念純:追求美善人生
- 作者: author Shih Cheng Yen , translator Dharma as Water Team, Tzu Chi USA
- 出版社:Jing Si Publishing Co., Ltd
- 出版年:2022
- EISBN:9786269598939 EPUB
- 格式:EPUB 流式
This book includes stories from the Buddha’s time and instances from daily life. Master Cheng Yen says, “A spacious heart is goodness, and pure thoughts are beauty. An open heart and pure thoughts bring joy and are the foundation of our humanistic culture.” She hopes that there will be more aspiring bodhisattvas who hold onto sincere love and benefit others with pure and open hearts. In doing so, we can create a world of goodness and beauty together.
- Foreword by the Editors
- True Wealth
- Compete to Do Good
- Worldly Matters in a Circle
- If Not Now, Then When?
- A Diamond and a Rock
- The Story of the Ugly Princess
- A Heart of Deep Resolve
- Giving Rise to Bodhicitta
- Nothing Is Everlasting in Life
- A Hundred-Year-Old Monastic
- The Karma of Three Periods and the Twelve Links of Existence
- Doing Good Deeds in Life Is Most Beautiful
- Strength-of-Five-Hundred and the Old Bhiksu
- “I Must Take Part”
- Setting Aside the Bow and Arrow in Our Hearts
- With Wisdom, There Is No Discrimination
- Sustain Your Aspirations; Attain Buddhahood
- Sustaining Our Initial Aspirations
- Our Minds Are Like a Piece of White Cloth
- End Suffering by Transforming Suffering
- A Buddha or a Demon Lies Within a Single Thought
- The Natural State Is the Wondrous Dharma
- The Buddha and the Herd of Cows
- Paving the Bodhisattva Path Ourselves
- The Old Monk and the Young Novice
- The Causes and Conditions of Creating Blessings
- Work Hard without Complaint, Serve Others with Joy
- Trading Cigarettes for Steel
- A Blind Man Fixes Clocks
- The Law of Arising and Ceasing Is Emptiness
- Forming Good Affinities and Eliminating Bad Affinities
- The Radiance of Our Intrinsic Nature
- The Most Blessed Person in the World
- Pharmacology of the Mind
- Eliminating the View of Self
- The Japanese Samurai Who Dug a Tunnel
- The Girl Whose Feet Could Do Anything
- Transforming Suffering into Joy
- Lighting Infinite Lamps
- Humbling Ourselves and Expanding Our Hearts
- The Discriminating Mind and Impartial Wisdom
- Learning to Be a Bodhisattva
- Mindfully Tempering Our Wisdom
- The Story of the Wandering Poor Son
- An Angry Heart Is Like Fire
- Gratitude Is the Way to Happiness
- Innocence Is Beauty
- Taking Joy in the Peace of Sentient Beings
- Liu Bowen and Equal-to-Zhuge
- Planting All Virtuous Causes
- Our Spiritual Aspirations Are Always Before Us
- The Greatest Suffering
- The Dharma Name “Tzu Lai”
- With Every Word We Say, We Bless Ourselves
- A Loving Heart and Peace of Mind
- Cherishing Our Blessings Brings More Blessings
- The Significance of Giving
- Empathy Brings Happiness
- Sariputra Gives Away His Eyes
- Compensation for a Traffic Accident
- Arrogance and Wisdom
- A Story of Repentance
- Forgiving Others to Bring Beauty to Life
- Suffering and Joy Lie in a Single Thought
- The Most Blessed Life
- Guiding a Lost Child with Wisdom
- One Deviant Thought
- The Physical Body Brings Suffering
- The Winter Is Over
- A Voluntary Street Cleaner
- A Pure Stream of Love
- Attachment to Dharma Makes Us More Deluded
- Always Be Mindful and Understanding
- The Path Is Everywhere
- Recognizing, Cherishing, and Creating Blessings
- Maintaining a State of Tranquility
- A Daughter-In-Law for Rent
- A Request for Euthanasia
- The Scientific Nature of Buddhism
- Forgiving with a Broad Mind
- Beauty Comes from Within
- The Profound Love of Parents
- Respecting Our Own Choices
- A Mother’s Love Is Like a Flowing River
- Focus for Sale
- Work Willingly and Joyfully Accept What Comes
- Remembering Our Roots
- Lamenting Unfilial Children
- Begging as a Hobby
- Clinging to Ashes
- The Story of a Marriage
- The Mind Is the Root of All Evil
- Permeated by Goodness
- When Familial Love Turns into Afflictions
- Changing One’s Heart Rather Than One’s Fortune
- The Sad White Dog
- A Stubborn Daughter
- The Bodhisattva Path Is a Circular Track
紙本書 NT$ 490