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The Spirit of Great Love Volume Two (original Chinese) was published in 2003 during the SARS outbreak: the topics are "Rich vs. Poor," "Desire and Faith," "Wisdom and Life," "Time," and "Good Deeds and Happiness." In this collection of short stories from the past and present, Dharma Master Cheng Yen guides us in finding joy in our relationships and facing everything in life with a sense of ease.

Everyone is inherently pure. As the pandemic spreads, it’s admirable to see many people courageously giving. If everyone could harmoniously coexist with nature, we would return to the moral order of humility, reverence, vigilance, and civility. This is not only the key to preventing disease; it is the strength that keeps society stable.

About the Author: 
Dharma Master Cheng Yen was born in 1937 in a small town in Taichung County, Taiwan. When she was twenty-three years old, she left home to become a Buddhist nun, and was instructed by her mentor, Venerable Master Yin Shun, to work “for Buddha’s teachings, for sentient beings.” In 1966, she founded a charity, which later turned into the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation, to “help the poor and educate the rich”—to give material aid to the needy and inspire love and humanity in both givers and recipients.  

In recent years, Master Cheng Yen’s contributions have been increasingly recognized by the global community. In 2011, she was recognized with the Roosevelt Institute’s FDR Distinguished Public Service Award and was named to the 2011 TIME 100 list of the world’s most influential people. In 2014, she was presented with Rotary International’s Award of Honor in recognition of her humanitarian efforts and contributions to world peace.

  • Preface
    • Chapter One
    • Chapter Two
    • Chapter Three
    • Chapter Four
    • Chapter Five
紙本書 NT$ 500
NT$ 350

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