

An Appraisal on The Ecological Controversy and Conservation Strategy Resulting from The 2021 Referendum for Taoyuan Algal Reefs in Northwestern Taiwan

Seasonal variations in the trawling marine organism community at the Changyun Rise off central western Taiwan from spring to autumn 2020

Investigation and analysis on the relationship between marine sport ability classifications and marine environmental conditions

Study on the Coastal Thermal Plume Patterns by the Land-based X-band Radar Images

Design Optimization of the U-Type Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converters


國家海洋研究院致力於海洋政策、資源、文化、科學、產業、工程跨學科領域之學術研究,以「整合國家海洋研究量能、開拓海洋研究視野」為辦刊宗旨,爰發行專業期刊「海洋探索Marine Research」。

  • An Appraisal on The Ecological Controversy and Conservation Strategy Resulting from The 2021 Referendum for Taoyuan Algal Reefs in Northwestern Taiwan(第1頁)
  • Seasonal Variations in the Trawling Marine Organism Community at the Changyun Rise off Central Western Taiwan from Spring to Autumn 2020(第25頁)
  • Investigation and Analysis on The Relationship between Marine Sport Ability Classifications and Marine Environmental Conditions(第43頁)
  • Study On the Coastal Thermal Plume Patterns by the Land-based X-band Radar Images(第59頁)
  • Design Optimization of the U-Type Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converters(第77頁)
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