精選光華文章解析(中高級) [有聲書]
- 作者: 甦活中外編輯群作 , 甦活全球網路編輯群翻譯
- 出版社:甦活全球網路
- 出版年:2010
- 格式:PDF
The documentary “Japan’s Nightmare” opens on the streets of Tokyo’s Shinjuku district with a shot of people hurrying across a busy intersection, all with similar expressions on their faces. The film discusses the growing lack of independence of Japan’s youth, who are having a hard time making the transition from the warmth of their parents’ homes into a cold, isolating society, a sluggish economy, and a difficult job market. Many are now reluctant to leave home when they reach adulthood, and instead rely on their parents for room, board, and other material necessities. But this phenomenon isn’t unique to Japan; lost youth are a global phenomenon. What is going on?
紀錄片《日本夢魘》(Japan's Nightmare)的開場就在東京新宿街口,一張張相異卻又相同的臉孔匆匆穿梭在繁忙的十字路口。影片中講的是日本年輕人越來越難獨立,他們從小在父母的保護下長大,加上社會疏離冷漠、景氣低迷、工作難找壓力又大,種種不利發展,所以在成年後也不想搬離家中,吃、住、用都倚靠父母。不僅日本,這一張張惶惑失焦的面容,在各國處處可見。他們,到底是怎麼了?
- 文 化 篇(第1頁)
- 生 活 篇(第34頁)
- 休閒育樂篇(第73頁)
- 科 技 篇(第95頁)
- 財 經 篇(第139頁)
- 健 康 篇(第166頁)