

Development of a Scale to Measure the Effectiveness of Marine Science Learning for Primary School Students

Establishment and Application of Taiwan's Fiirst Marine Data Buoy for In Situ Automated Gamma Radioactivity Monitoring: A Case Study of Cesium-137 and Bismuth-214

(–)-11β,20β-Epoxy-4-deacetoxyjunceellolide D, Polyoxygenated Briarane Deriving from Octocoral Junceella fragilis in Sea Whip

Development of  In-Captivity Breeding and Larval Rearing Technology for Coral Reef Fish in Taiwan

A Comparison of Roe Development and Somatic growth for Different Cryptic Species of Mugil Cephalus Cultured in Tropical Taiwan


國家海洋研究院致力於海洋政策、資源、文化、科學、產業、工程跨學科領域之學術研究,以「整合國家海洋研究量能、開拓海洋研究視野」為辦刊宗旨,爰發行專業期刊「海洋探索Marine Research」。

  • Development of a Scale to Measure the Effectiveness of Marine Science Learning for Primary School Students(第1頁)
  • Establishment and Application of Taiwan's First Marine Data Buoy for In Situ Automated Gamma Radioactivity Monitoring: A Case Study of Cesium-137 and Bismuth-214(第21頁)
  • (-)-11β,20β-Epoxy-4-deacetoxyjunceellolide D, Polyoxygenated Briarane Deriving from Octocoral Junceella fragilis in Sea Whip(第43頁)
  • Development of In-Captivity Breeding and Larval Rearing Technology for Coral Reef Fish in Taiwan(第53頁)
  • A Comparison of Roe Development and Somatic Growth for Different Cryptic Species of Mugil Cephalus Cultured in Tropical Taiwan(第83頁)
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