

Assessing Coastal Blue Carbon Sinks in Taiwan / Hsing-Juh Lin, Kuan-Yu Chen, Yu-Chen Kao, Wei-Jen Lin, Chiao-Wen Lin, Chuan-Wen Ho

Oceanic Blue Carbon in Seas around Taiwan / Hsueh-Han Hsieh, Yung-Yen Shih, Syun-Han Wu, Hernando P. Bacosa, Chin-Chang Hung

Introduction of Blue Carbon Management / Stefanny Rebeca Alvarado, Hsiao-Chun Tseng

Using the IPO Model to Develop a Competency Standard for Remotely Operated Vehicle Supervisors /Pei-Chi Chang, Fu-Man Hsieh, Chian-Chi Huang

Numerical Study on the Evolution of Internal and Surface Waves Propagating over a Permeable Trapezoidal Obstacle / Ming-Hung Cheng, Chih-Min Hsieh, Robert R. Hwang


國家海洋研究院致力於海洋政策、資源、文化、科學、產業、工程跨學科領域之學術研究,以「整合國家海洋研究量能、開拓海洋研究視野」為辦刊宗旨,爰發行專業期刊「海洋探索Marine Research」。

  • Assessing Coastal Blue Carbon Sinks in Taiwan(第1頁)
  • Oceanic Blue Carbon in Seas around Taiwan(第19頁)
  • Introduction of Blue Carbon Management(第37頁)
  • Using the IPO Model to Develop a Competency Standard for Remotely Operated Vehicle Supervisors(第49頁)
  • Numerical Study on the Evolution of Internal and Surface Waves Propagating over a Permeable Trapezoidal Obstacle(第61頁)
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