  • The Making of ChineseSinophone Literatures as World Literature (作為世界文學的華文文學)
  • 點閱:2
  • 作者: Edited by Kueifen Chiu and Yingjin Zhang
  • 出版社:Hong Kong University Press
  • 出版年:2021
  • ISBN:9789888528721
  • EISBN:9789888754588 PDF
  • 格式:PDF,JPG
  • 頁數:264
租期14天 今日租書可閱讀至2025-03-06

"An outstanding volume full of insights, with chapters by leading scholars from an admirable
range of perspectives, Chiu and Zhang's The Making of Chinese-Sinophone Literatures as
World Literature expertly integrates Chinese and Sinophone studies with world literature
scholarship, opening numerous possibilities for future analyses of literature, media, and
cultural history."

-Karen L. Thornber, Harvard University
"This book is, at once, the best possible introduction to recent debates on world literature
from the perspective of Chinese-Sinophone literatures, and a summa critica that thinks
through their transcultural drives, global travels, varied worldings, and translational forces.
The comparative perspectives gathered here accomplish the necessary and urgent task
of reconfiguring both the idea of the world in world literature and the ways we study the
inscriptions of Chinese-Sinophone literatures in the world."
-Mariano Siskind, Harvard University
In The Making of Chinese-Sinophone Literatures as World Literature, Kuei-fen Chiu and Yingjin
Zhang aim to bridge the distance between the scholarship of world literature and that of
Chinese and Sinophone literary studies. This edited volume advances research on world
literature by bringing in new developments in Chinese/Sinophone literatures and adds a
much-needed new global perspective on Chinese literary studies beyond the traditional
national literature paradigm and its recent critique by Sinophone studies. In addition to
a critical mapping of the domains of world literature, Sinophone literature, and world
literature in Chinese to delineate the nuanced differences of these three disciplines, the book
addresses the issues of translation, genre, and the impact of media and technology on our
understanding of "literature" and "literary prestige." It also provides critical studies of the
complicated ways in which Chinese and Sinophone literatures are translated, received, and
reinvested across various genres and media, and thus circulate as world literature. The issues
taken up by the contributors to this volume promise fruitful polemical interventions in the
studies of world literature from the vantage point of Chinese and Sinophone literatures.
Kuei-fen Chiu is chair professor of Taiwan literature and transnational cultural studies at
National Chung Hsing University in Taiwan. She is the co-author of New Chinese-Language
Documentaries: Ethics, Subject and Place (2015) and co-editor of Taiwan Cinema, International
Reception, and Social Change (2017).
Yingjin Zhang is distinguished professor of comparative
literature at University of California, San Diego, as well as
visiting chair professor of humanities at Shanghai Jiao Tong
University, China. He is the author of Cinema, Space, and
Polylocality in a Globalizing China (2010) and co-editor of
Locating Taiwan Cinema in the Twenty-First Century (2020).

  • List of Illustrations(第vii頁)
  • List of Contributors(第viii頁)
  • Introduction: Chinese-Sinophone Literatures as World Literature Kuei-fen Chiu and Yingjin Zhang(第1頁)
  • Part I. Conceptualization and Methods(第23頁)
    • 1. Chinese Literature, Translation, and World Literature Zhang Longxi(第25頁)
    • 2. Locations of China in World Literature and World Cinema Yingjin Zhang(第40頁)
    • 3. Comparison as Relation Shu-mei Shih(第63頁)
  • Part II. Translation Circuits: Intra-Asia, Transpacific, and the Global(第81頁)
    • 4. Intra-Asian Reading: or, How Lu Xun Enters into a World Literature Satoru Hashimoto(第83頁)
    • 5. World-Literary Hospitality: China, Latin America, Translation Andrea Bachner(第103頁)
    • 6. The Worlding of Chinese Science Fiction A Global Genre and Its Negotiations as World Literature Mingwei Song(第122頁)
  • Part III. Genre Matters: The Novel, Poetry, and Children’s Literature(第143頁)
    • 7. Space, Place, and Distance: Gao Xingjian, Mo Yan, and the Novel in World Literature Wendy Larson(第145頁)
    • 8. Memesis and Contemporary Chinese Poetry A Distributed View on World Literature Tong King Lee(第164頁)
    • 9. Taiwanese Picturebooks and Children’s Literature as World Literature Andrea Mei-Ying Wu(第186頁)
  • Part IV. Literary Lives on Transmedia and the Internet(第201頁)
    • 10. From Writing to Roaming: World Literature and the Literary World of Black and Blue Michel Hockx(第203頁)
    • 11. World Literature in an Age of Digital Technologies: Digital Archive,Wikipedia, and Goodreads.com Kuei-fen Chiu(第217頁)
  • Glossary(第237頁)
  • Index(第243頁)
紙本書 NT$ 2790
NT$ 1953

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