
Testimony to the emotional truth of their life together even in these increasingly trying times.

  The memoir Ordinary Days(《過平常日子》) by the scholar and critic Leo Ou-fan Lee(李歐梵)and his wife Esther Yuk-ying Lee(李玉瑩) brings to this Hong Kong series an intensely personal touch, consciously echoing the great sentimental memoir of 18th-century China, Shen Fu’s Six Chapters of a Floating Life(《浮生六記》). With disarming candour, Leo and Esther lay bare their hearts so unreservedly, to share with us their story of love and suffering, charting in a series of memorable chapters their shared spiritual quest. This is a brave book. It lays bare in a most unusual way the heart and soul of a charming and highly cultivated Chinese couple, the scholar and critic Leo Ou-fan Lee and his wife Esther Lee Yuk-ying. It charts the love story of two individuals who are no longer young, and it also boldly breaks the taboo surrounding the twin topics of depression and suicide.

  Set partly against the recent backdrop of some of Hong Kong’s most turbulent years, partly in the far-flung diaspora of the Chinese intelligentsia, this is a revealing record of the inner life of a highly cultivated modern Chinese couple. In presenting this work to English-speaking readers, we hope to demonstrate that, Hong Kong "is one of the high places of the multicultured world".


  “In these letters of theirs, Leo and Esther bare their hearts truthfully, transcending self and emotion and all sense of age, until all that is left is purity and truth. The later chapters record their deep love as husband and wife, his devotion to her, and their inseparable bond, in the course of which they put aside all social convention.”––Pai Hsien-yung(白先勇), Author of the Taipei People


Leo Ou-fan Lee(李歐梵)

  Leo Ou-fan Lee(李歐梵) is Sin Wai Kin Professor of Chinese Culture, Emeritus, at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is author of many books on Chinese literature and culture, and is also a great lover of Western classical music.

Esther Yuk-ying Lee(李玉瑩)

  Esther Yuk-ying Lee(李玉瑩) is a published author and visual artist, whose paintings have been widely exhibited.


John Minford

  John Minford is Emeritus Professor of Chinese at The Australian National University and Sin Wai Kin Professor of Chinese Culture and Translation at The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong.


Annie Ren

  Annie Ren is a PhD candidate at The Australian National University, writing on the Chinese novel The Story of the Stone.

Carol Ong

  Carol Ong was born in Taiwan. She studied translation at The University of Melbourne, where she is now employed.
  • Series Editor’s Preface(第vii頁)
  • Acknowledgements(第xi頁)
  • A Brief Foreword to the English Edition of Ordinary Days by Leo Ou-fan Lee(第xvii頁)
  • Editor’s Introduction, by John Minford(第xix頁)
  • Preface, by Pai Hsien-yung(第xxv頁)
  • Prelude, by Leo Ou-fan Lee(第xxxv頁)
  • Chapter 1 Love Between Two Worlds(第1頁)
  • Chapter 2 Wedded Bliss (Esther’s Journal)(第75頁)
  • Chapter 3 Chicago Shared Fate in the ‘Valley of Songs’(第137頁)
  • Chapter 4 Memories of Hong Kong Love in a Fallen City(第185頁)
  • Chapter 5 The Joys of Travel Singapore, Taipei and Shanghai(第229頁)
  • Chapter 6 The Sorrows of Depression(第263頁)
  • Appendix 1: A brief list of some of Leo and Esther’s main publications(第353頁)
  • Appendix 2: Chronology of Leo and Esther’s Life Events(第355頁)
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NT$ 725

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