

New Directions in Marine Mammal Behavioral Noise Exposure Criteria / Brandon L. Southall

Potential Application of Metabolomics on the Impacts of Underwater Noise on Marine Life / Kuo-Hsun Chiu, Hin-Kiu Mok

Acoustic Distribution Maps of Phonating Species in Coral Reefs / Tomonari Akamatsu, Frederic Sinniger, Saki Harii

A Review of Passive Acoustics Monitoring Results in the Coastal Waters off Western Taiwan for the Past Decade / Yin-Ying Fang, Chao-Jung Wu, Chih-Hao Wu, Wei-Chun Hu, Shashidhar Siddagangaiah, Li-Shuang Hsu, Bing-Hao Lu, Chieh-Wen Kuo, Juei-Cheng Liu, Chi-Fang Chen

A Subsoil Inspection in a Mangrove Habitat Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography / Shang-Hung Pao, Yen-Kung Hsieh, Helsin Wang, Yao-Chu Tsai, Li Lo, Chun-Sheng Lee, Chia-Jung Chen, 
Chih-Hsin Hu, Hsing-Juh Lin

Automatic Identification System Data Fusion / Lie Yang, Shao-Hua Hsu, Zhi-Jie Yu, Yung-Cheng Yao


國家海洋研究院致力於海洋政策、資源、文化、科學、產業、工程跨學科領域之學術研究,以「整合國家海洋研究量能、開拓海洋研究視野」為辦刊宗旨,爰發行專業期刊「海洋探索Marine Research」。

  • New Directions in Marine Mammal Behavioral Noise Exposure Criteria(第1頁)
  • Potential Application of Metabolomics on the Impacts of Underwater Noise on Marine Life(第17頁)
  • Acoustic Distribution Maps of Phonating Species in Coral Reefs(第27頁)
  • A Review of Passive Acoustics Monitoring Results in the Coastal Waters off Western Taiwan for the Past Decade(第37頁)
  • A Subsoil Inspection in a Mangrove Habitat Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography(第57頁)
  • Automatic Identification System Data Fusion(第79頁)
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